Corbett's out. Now on to the bigger fight.


Ghandi famously said "be the change you wish to see in the world". At this weekend's Working Educators First Annual Convention, we'll be sharing our visions for vibrant public schools and communities- and figuring out together how we can 'be the change' in our schools and communities to get there.

Please join us to share your ideas and energy to defend public education and save our schools from the ground up!


Working Educators First Annual Convention

***Newly added!: Lunchtime Tabletop Conversations. Topics will include our pre-service teacher campaign, opt-out, charter school teachers, and more.

Ready to make change in your school? To defend and transform public education in Philly and beyond? 

This convention is NOT your typical education or organizing event -- it will bring together stakeholders from across the city to help transform our public education system. 

We will be discussing issues relating to all educators and allies fighting for our communities and schools- parent and student involvement, charter schools, and organizing skills for everyone, just to name a few (see full program below).

Featuring organizers from Labor Notes, special guests from NYC's MORE Caucus, and Keynote Speaker Dr. Yohuru Williams.

Join us to build educator power in Philly through practical organizing skills, strengthening our community, and planning for the future:

Working Educators First Annual Convention
November 8th, 10am-3pm
Old First Reformed UCC
151 N 4th St (at Race)
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Childcare and lunch provided. Come for an hour or all day!
Please RSVP on our website or facebook to help us plan. But definitely show up whenever you can, even if you can't RSVP!

***Full Convention Program***

10:15-11:00: Opening Plenary: Creating the Schools our Children Deserve
Featuring Yohuru Williams

11:00-12:15: Discussion Sessions:
~More than just Health Care!
The Corporate Takeover of Public Education

~Lessons from Chicago
How to Reinvigorate Our Union from Below

~Taking Back Our City
Communities Standing Up for Democracy and Accountability

12:15-1:00: Lunch & Tabletop Discussions
-Pre-Service Teacher Campaign
-Charter School Teacher Allies
-Stories from MORE
-Opt-Out Philly
-Start your own!

1:00-2:15: Training Sessions:
~Are You a Social Justice Unionist?
Changing the Culture in Your School

~Parent Power!
Parents and Teachers Working Together

~Beating Apathy
Secrets of a Successful Organizer

2:15-3:00: Closing Plenary: What's Next? Building the Movement