How WE Will Lead: Kelley Collings, VP of Middle Schools

How will Working Educators lead the PFT? Meet all 9 officer candidates for yourself, learn their vision for the future of our union, and find out why they are running for office in the 2016 PFT elections.

Here's Working Educators Candidate for Vice President of Middle Schools, Kelley Collings:

"My vision for the PFT is that we become a beacon of hope in this city, for what is possible.  The one thing that I would love to say to every PFT member, is to have confidence in yourself, in us, to turn things around, and to create a brighter future."


Kelley.jpgKELLEY COLLINGS has been a Philadelphia public school teacher for 15 years. Prior to teaching, she was a community and parent organizer for over a decade in various cities across the country. She and her colleagues at Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences helped fuel the local Opt Out movement against high-stakes testing in Philadelphia when they publicly organized 40% of the families at their school to opt out of testing.  Kelley is a founding member and current Co-chair of the Caucus of Working Educators of the PFT, as well as a leader in the Teacher Action Group of Philadelphia and a member of Teachers Lead Philly and Need in Deed.


Kelley in the news:

Salon: "10,000 smart, committed teachers can change the world"- A group of working Philadelphia teachers is looking to upset the status quo of the teachers union

Labor Notes: Philly Teachers Go For It

Think Progress: These Education Protests Got Results in 2015

Morning FeedWorking Educators talk, education justice, union representation, parent involvement and more

Urban Journal of Education: Reading for Change: Social Justice Unionism Book Groups as Organizing Tools

Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association: Deep Organizing vs Shallow Mobilizing...Be the Union! Caucus Challenges Union Leadership

Al Día: Opt-Out Movement Gaining Momentum

Philly Magazine: Many More Students Are Option Out of State Exams

Al Día: Education Activists Fast in Harrisburg, Demand Moral Budget

Philly Magazine: Will District Slap Anti-Testing Teachers?

 Check out our In The Press page for many more stories about Kelley and Working Educators!