3rd Annual WE Convention

Saturday, November 19, 2016 at 09:30 AM


The Olney Arts Center
1342 W Chew St
Philadelphia, PA 19141
United States
Google map and directions


We invite EVERY educator, education advocate, and community member to join us for our THIRD annual convention: a day of building our skills and highlighting winning campaigns with workshops organized by leaders in education, union, and justice work from all over the country.

Jia Lee, a leader in the MORE Caucus of the UFT, will keynote!

Invite your colleagues and community - WE are working to build a member-driven, democratic union that can defend and transform public education. Your ideas and passion are necessary to make it possible.

Breakfast and lunch are included.
Childcare is provided.
One block from the Broad Street Line.
Street parking is ample and available.

We can't wait to see you!




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