It’s time again for the annual Summer Reading Series! For the fifth summer in a row, the Reading Series will be a place to deepen our relationships with each other; expand our political analysis, and inform our organizing and teaching in the upcoming year. Education justice advocates around the country are asking about our Reading Series, and many are building their own and Rethinking Schools magazine just featured an article about this work!
Don’t miss out on a great summer of reading, discussing, and learning.
This year, based on survey results, WE and TAG are excited to announce 16+ book groups. The nominating process yielded an exciting mix of classics and new releases, with a range of genres represented including biographies, science fiction, and a YA novel! Groups will focus on labor organizing; racial justice; immigration; LGBTQ+ topics; pedagogy; capitalism; and more.
This summer, we continue the tradition of bringing together people from all walks of life and all parts of the city -- parents, teachers, nurses, counselors, activists, community members, students, and anyone else! All are welcome! Please sign up here using the registration form!
Want to learn more about past book clubs? Read this article on the Summer Reading Series in Perspectives on Urban Education by WE supporting member Kathleen Riley, or check out the latest issue of Rethinking Schools magazine!