Help Select This Summer's Book Club Texts!
We are excited to announce a list of texts that WE and TAG members have suggested for the 2015 Summer Reading Series - but we need your help!
Please select your top THREE choices in the survey below so we can take the next step in generating a final list of groups and facilitators. The poll will close on Wednesday, May 13th at 5pm. If you're interested in helping to facilitate one of these book groups, email [email protected] for more info.
This year, groups will be reading through the lenses of organizing and racial justice as we work together to continue to build a movement together. Last year, nearly 100 people from across the city participated in ten different book clubs to explore how teachers and activists are building a movement for quality public education.
The final selections will be announced at the Caucus of Working Educators 1-Year Anniversary Party on Friday, May 15 at 7:00 pm. See you there!
Fill out the survey in this blog post below the picture, or at this link:
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