Bread & Roses "Change Ride": Bike for Justice on September 16th


Do you care about racial and economic justice? Do you like to bike? Join the WE team raising money for the Bread & Roses Community Fund's "Change Ride" on September 16th- you can join us for the ride or contribute money to the team! 

Riders will enjoy a 10-mile ride across Philadelphia, visiting four Bread & Roses grantees: New Sanctuary Movement, Put People First! PA, Reentry Think Tank, and Youth United for Change. Organizers from these groups will share stories about their campaigns and tell us why those neighborhoods are important to them and the movements they lead. The ride kicks off at 8:30am at Rowhouse Grocery in South Philadelphia with a complimentary breakfast, and will work it's way North, ending with lunch at the Village of Art and Humanities around 1pm. 

Click here to join the ride, or to make a donation to the Working Educators Team's fundraising effortWe've raised over $500 for Bread and Roses so far! 

The Change Ride raises money to support Bread & Roses’ grantmaking and technical assistance to community organizers fighting for racial equity and economic opportunity for all. 


(Some members from last year's "Change Ride" WE team.)