How WE Will Lead: Pamela Roy, Treasurer

How will Working Educators lead the PFT? Meet all 9 officer candidates for yourself, learn their vision for the future of our union, and find out why they are running for office in the 2016 PFT elections.

Here's Working Educators Candidate for Treasurer, Pamela Roy:

Before becoming part of Working Educators, I had never been asked by anyone in the PFT leadership to give my ideas. I had never been asked to do anything besides show up at a rally a few times, and I really wanted to do more.

As School District of Philadelphia employees, we have been beaten down for so long that we no longer know what's possible. I think that our realm of possibility has shrunk around us. So much more is possible for ourselves as workers, for our students, and for our city.

Pamela.jpgPAMELA ROY has been a teacher for nine years, at Hopkinson, Edwin Vare, Roberto Clemente, and now Mifflin. She holds certificates in Elementary Education, Middle Years Science, and Biology. Pamela holds a masters degree in science. She is a Public Youth Forum Debate coach in the middle school league, Need in Deed experienced network member, member of Philly Core Leaders, and a board member for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action.


Pamela in the news:

Salon: "10,000 smart, committed teachers can change the world"- A group of working Philadelphia teachers is looking to upset the status quo of the teachers union

Labor Notes: Philly Teachers Go For It

The Notebook: Caucus of Working Educators Reveal Slate for Union Election

The Notebook: Teachers Spent Week in Work-to-Rule Protest

Working Educators: How to Arrange a Work-to-Rule Campaign: One School's Story

Philadelphia Public Record: Pols on the Street

Teachers Lead Philly: Teachers Prepare to Vote

Check out our In The Press page for many more stories about Pam and Working Educators!