I am speaking today to Stand Up For The Truth! This Commission took an unprecedented action in a deceitful manner and with the support of this whole body. It was most disturbing that the newest member, Mrs. Neff, was in full cahoots with this plan since a lot of people viewed her appointment with hope. That hope was dashed on Monday when Mrs. Neff joined Mrs. Simms as silenced speakers of truth. Ms. Simms' audacious comment “We have to stop playing games with children” would have been laughable except for the harm it causes. The largest players of a game are sitting right here in front of us and in Harrisburg, Mrs. Simms.
I am picking one truth to talk about today. The truth that what the SRC did on Monday is only a piece of a bigger plan that has been in place for 13 years and is succeeding amazingly well. That truth is close down public education and hand it over to private, corporate interests. Accomplish that mission by asserting that public education is failing.
Doc. Hite was a graduate of the Broad Superintendents Academy. This Academy is funded by billionaire Eli Broad, who is a member of the 1%. Eli Broad is one of an influential group of billionaires who believe they can control the landscape of education for their own profit, benefit and ideology. The method they use is simple. Control the dialogue!! Put out the sound bites of what sounds reasonable and wrap those sound bites, slogans and messages in myths and lies. Get mainstream media to print it, politicians to support it (because they bankroll the politicians)…then implement policy.
Dr. Hite, this commission and a large number of our politicians are implementing the policies that support the ideology of the Broad Academy.
*Slash and burn public schools and open charters in the name of choice
*Attack and attempt to weaken unions
*Strangle budgets to help the illusion of schools failing and make it easier to promote your slash and burn policy
*Implement the business model of chaos and disruption
*Introduce high stakes testing and tie it to school and teacher evaluation and high school graduation
*Force Common Core Standards onto schools, standards that are mired in controversy and debate
*Enlist TFA recruits who enter the classroom with 5 weeks of training and who rarely stay in the profession for more than a few years in place of fully accredited, qualified, dedicated teachers
Here’s the thing about all of these policies - they are built on the premise that public schools are failing....our public schools are not failing!! Zip codes are failing. This commission does not use evidence or research…here are just a few respected authors that refute your policies with evidence and research. But, hey, that is not the dialogue that will allow you to pillage and plunder our schools and neighborhoods. Our urban schools are a reflection of the larger problems in our society and deserve unfailing support in every sense of the word and honest dialogue about ways to improve that are carried on with educators and community members AT THE TABLE.