Support the Campaign
Dear Working Educators and Supporters,
As you know, our Election Campaign is well underway. We collected information from rank-and-file members and finalized our platform during the Listening Campaign. Now comes the real work of campaigning -- getting our message out to the 11,000 members of the PFT.
Our fundraising will fuel the election campaign by enabling us to:
rent spaces to hold meetings
create branded items featuring the WE logo (t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, buttons, etc.)
purchase basic supplies to run our meetings and actions
send mailings to our constituents
produce high-quality videos and photography
run print advertisements
In the coming weeks, we will be raising additional money by holding fundraising happy hours, running a 50/50 raffle at every meeting, hosting house parties around the city, and other fun events.
Please consider supporting the Caucus' work as a...
"Lifelong” Caucus member for $2,500
“Revolutionary” Caucus member for $1,000
“Transformational” Caucus member for $500
“Sustaining” Caucus member for $250
“Inspirational” Caucus member for $100
“Firestarter” Caucus member for $50
In case you need a little inspiration, here’s what some donors are saying about why they contributed.
According to member Lou Borda, “WE needs funds to reach our goals, which include a new vision for public education in this city. WE will achieve it through grassroots activation of our entire membership.”
Retired teacher Diane Payne says, “In these times of tight money, no raises, and lots of bills, the last thing you want to hear is ‘Can you donate?’ But, making a donation to the Caucus of Working Educators is a donation to your future as an educator. If the message of the caucus resonates with you and if you believe, like I do, that our contract and the very existence of public education is at stake, then you will find something left in your wallet to support the mission of a more democratic, rank-and-file-driven, transparent union.”
And last, former SDP teacher Mindy Noble says, “I spent fourteen years as a mathematics teacher in the now empty building formerly known as Germantown High School. It is clear to me that we need union leadership whose feet are staunchly and unwaveringly planted on the side of doing what's right for our students. And seeing that what's right for the students is completely aligned with what's right for us as teachers and staff. We need leaders in our union who don't see themselves as heroes and saviors but who understand that they must stay in constant touch with membership as well as students, parents and community to do the jobs they were elected to do. The Caucus of Working Educators gives me hope that we can turn the PFT into the union it should be. I am thrilled to be able to support the work they do.”
WE Fundraising Committee