William Way LGBTQ Community Center (1315 Spruce St)WE is proud to present it's first ever financial planning workshop. Are you spending your money wisely? Are you spending it ethically? Are you making decisions with your money that are good for your future AND your community?
Come learn about opportunities for Philadelphia teachers to purchase houses through the government for little cost. Hear the truth about how the mortgage industry works from a former insider. Learn how to stretch your hard-earned dollars from a financial planner and educator. Hear from experts in socially responsible investing about the latest trends in this exciting marketplace! And get ready for the incredible story of a financial whistleblower who shone a light on the dangers of fast trading.
And to make it better, bring out some of your beloved professional clothing for a clothing swap in the William Way ballroom!
Nobody is leaving this workshop empty-handed, so come out and enjoy some finance and leave with some fashion!
More info: https://www.facebook.com/events/458256547892622
Posted by Maxwell Rosen-Long on ,