When We Fight We Win: Join UTLA At Our 5th Annual Convention!
For nearly two years, 35,000 educators in more than 900 schools in Los Angeles organized to fight for a fair contract. In January 2019 they went on strike for the schools Los Angeles students and families deserve - and won .
How do we make Philly #UTLAStrong?
Join Georgia Flowers-Lee and Gillian Russom from UTLA, Maurice Weeks from Bargaining for the Common Good , and PFT members, parents, and allies, on April 6, 2019 for a day of workshops to learn how the UTLA rank and file are transforming their union, building power, demanding a fair contract, fighting for racial and economic justice in LA - and winning!
Flowers-Lee and Russom are both members of the UTLA executive board, classroom teachers, and regional organizers of the recent strike. Get to know Flowers-Lee on the picket line and listen to Russom in this interview on day 2 of the strike.
UTLA leaders have served as mentors for the Caucus for years, including hosting 10 of us in Los Angeles in August 2017 at a conference designed to support Working Educators and like-minded caucuses. (UTLA is currently led by the Union Power caucus, a sister caucus of WE.)
SAVE THE DATE: WE Annual Convention on Saturday, April 6th.
Make sure you register yourself and members from your school on this form! http://bit.ly/MakePhillyUTLAStrong
And, you can donate here to support making this organizing happen!
Here is our agenda. We can't wait to see you.
Sat. April 6, 2019 (9:30-3:30pm), Temple University,
Tuttleman Bldg, 809 N 13th St, Phila 19122
9:30 AM - Registration & Breakfast
9:45 - 10:15 AM - Putting Racial Justice At the Center
10:15 - 11:15 AM - Keynote 1 - Maurice Weeks (Bargaining For the Common Good)
11:30AM - 12:15PM - Breakout 1 - Contract Issue Groups
12:15PM - Tax Abatement Action
12:15 - 1:15 PM - Lunch
1:15 - 2:00 PM - Keynote 2 - Georgia Flowers Lee and Gillian Russom (UTLA)
2:15 - 3:00PM - Breakout 2 - Building Contract Action Teams
3:15- 3:30 PM - Closing
6:30-8:00 PM - Organizing for the Common Good (Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St)