Snyder Avenue Congregational Church300 Snyder Ave (3rd & Snyder Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19148
United States
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Kelley CollingsJoin parents, teachers, students, community members, higher ed faculty, politicians, & district administrators at the…
Exposé on Standardized Testing:
What officials and corporations don’t want you to know
- Hear directly from students about what years of testing looks and feels like from the inside
- Hear students describe how the onslaught of testing has forced art, music, gym, and recess out of the school day
- Hear teachers describe how testing violates trust between teachers and students and prevents deep relationship-building
- Hear school counselors and nurses describe the emotional and physical impact testing has on students
- Hear parents describe how testing has taken the joy out of their children’s school experience
- Learn exactly how much money and time is spent on testing annually in our schools
- Answer sample PSSA and Keystone test questions
- Hear how parents, teachers, and students are opting out of high stakes testing in Philly and across the country
For more info contact:
Alison McDowell at [email protected] or
Kelley Collings [email protected]
Sponsored by the Caucus of Working Educators, Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools, Asian Americans United, Teacher Action Group, Philadelphia Student Union, Parents United for Public Education, Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign, Action United
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