Are you tired of the excuse that “there is no money” for our schools?
On May 8th, City Council is hosting a public hearing on raising money for our city and schools- and we are going to show City Council the conditions that Philly’s students and educators endure every day!
There IS money for schools, but only if we stand together to demand it. We are inspired by the educators all over the country, who are sharing photos of dismal conditions and flooding their state capitals in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Arizona. These teachers are fighting. And they’re winning BIG.
(Building condition photos from Oklahoma and Detroit)
Submit photos and video of the building and learning conditions in your school, such as crumbling books, packed classes, and unhealthy buildings (feel free to get creative!). We will put together a video for May 8th to make it clear to City Council that our students and schools deserve better!
Email photos and video to [email protected] by Friday, May 4th. We welcome all educators, parents, and students to submit, and anonymity will be respected if requested.
Then help us take the fight to City Council’s public hearing on May 8th- and demand the money our students and schools deserve! The Our City Our Schools coalition has a plan to bring up to $300 million to the education budget by demanding that corporations, developers, and big nonprofits pay their fair share, instead of increasing property taxes for everyday Philadelphians.
Learn more about the Our City Our Schools plan budget plan and the May 8th hearing at this link. If you are interested in testifying, you can email [email protected].