How will Working Educators lead the PFT? Meet all 9 officer candidates for yourself, learn their vision for the future of our union, and find out why they are running for office in the 2016 PFT elections.
First up, Working Educators Candidate for PFT President, Amy Roat:
"My fellow PFT members inspire me to lead the PFT. I care for all the employees in my building- the counselor, the nurse, the assistants, the teachers. In fact, those people are the glue of the PFT. I'm in it for them."
AMY NICOLE ROAT has been teaching English Language Learners in 6th-8th grades for nine years at Feltonville School of Arts and Sciences. For 15 years prior, Amy taught elementary grades throughout Philadelphia and in the Rochester (NY) City School District. She is a graduate of Manhattan College, University of Pennsylvania (Masters of Science in Elementary Education), and Temple University (Masters of Arts in Urban Education.) Amy has been the Building Representative at FSAS for the past three years. She has also been on the Building Committee.
Amy in the news:
Newsworks: 'Working educators' caucus challenges status quo in Philadelphia teachers union
The Rick Smith Show: Amy Roat Talks Union Elections
Northeast Times: Taking a Stand: The Caucus of Working Educators mounts a historic challenge to the longtime leadership of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers
The Notebook: High Stakes Tests are Being Reconsidered
Billy Penn: Inside Philly's Substitute Teacher Crisis: 'Totally insane, stupid, and evil wrapped up into one little package.'
Raging Chicken Press: #PHLed: Jay Cooke Elementary Teachers Speak Out Against Charter Conversion
Raging Chicken Press: Is Social Justice Unionism Going to Save Public Education in Philadelphia?
New Politics (Lois Weiner): Philly Teachers- The Kind of Troublemakers Who Built Teachers' Unions
Diane Ravitch: Philadelphia Warns Teachers of Disciplinary Action If They Inform Parents of Opt Out Right
Check out our In The Press page for many more stories about Amy and Working Educators!